The Kectil Program for Youths in Developing Countries 2018/2019

Kectil Program for Youths in Developing Countries 2018/2019

Deadline: Nov 30th,2018
The Kectil Program was created to identify and nurture highly talented youth in developing countries who have the potential to make a positive difference in their communities and countries.

Who can Apply
Youth (aged 17-26) in least developed and developing countries who have demonstrated a talent and passion for leadership, scholarship or innovation, are proficient in English and have access to a computer and the internet.

Awards for Most Active Participants in the Web-Based Program
We are pleased to announce that The Kectil Program will select fifteen of the most active participants in the Web-based Program to be given a special award.
These participants will have attended all of the Sessions and completed the online pre and post assignments. First, the selectees will be given a personal introduction to a leadership mentor in a developed country in the participant’s general area of interest. Second, the name of each selectee will also highlighted on the Kectil Website as an honor for their leading participation. These awards will be announced at the last Session in December 2017.

For More Information : Visit Source