Elevate your Level - The AfriPop Internship Programme for Nigerians 2018 (Cash Prizes to be won)

About the AfriPop Internship Programme
The AfriPop Internship Programme is designed to take you through 4 weeks of hands on learning in the research and trading departments of Afrinvest Securities Limited.

 Over the course of your programme, you will be paired with a mentor who provide the necessary tutelage and advice to empower you to pursue a career in the finance industry.

There are three things you will take away from the AfriPop Internship Programme
First-hand, practical knowledge of trading in the financial market
Improved research and analytical skills.


  • 1st Place: Internship and N50,000
  • 2nd Place: N35,000
  • 3rd Place: N25,000
  • 4th Place: N20,000.

The perfect AfriPop Intern:
is in his/her penultimate or final year in an institution of higher learning;
has a palpable passion for finance;
is a progressive and articulate thinker;
communicates exceptionally well;
is willing to learn; and
possesses strong social and interpersonal skills.

To become our first AfriPop Intern, you must go through 3 stages:
a. The Essay Contest: November 22 – December 7

Write an essay NOT MORE THAN 1,000 words on the topic: The Role of Fintech in Improving Financial Inclusion in Nigeria
Use Times New Roman, font size 11, double line spacing
Submit PDF format to afripop@afrinvest.com on/before Friday, December 7, 2018.
The subject of your e-mail should be AfriPop Essay Submission
The body of the e-mail must include your name, university, course of study and social media handles.
b. The Elevator Pitch: December 15 -22

c. The Interview: January 14 – 18

Terms and Conditions
This internship programme will run in our LAGOS office only.
The AfriPop Intern MUST be in their penultimate or final year.
You can only make one entry per submission.
If you’re shortlisted, you must be available for an interview. Only entrants with justifiable reasons for their unavailability will undergo video interviews.
Afrinvest reserves the rights to judge all submissions based on its chosen criteria.
The winner is responsible for all transportation, feeding and accommodation logistics throughout the internship.
The N50,000 prize is to be paid at the end of the internship with the option of a cash transfer to either a bank or brokerage account.
Afrinvest reserves the right to use photos and videos of entrants as promotional materials going forward.

To find out more, please see below our contact information:
Titilayo: +234 806 4163 665

Ayorinde: +234 802 8180 822

Email – afripop@afrinvest.com

For More Information: Visit Source