Initial 5000 to be employed on the following data and information collection, integration, distribution and management on all economic activities including but not limited to ;

  • Demography,
  • Commercial and productive activities,
  • Service economy
  • Migration both within and outside Nigeria
  • Diaspora
  • Urbanization buildings and their uses
  • Health
  • Education
  • Labour, employed and unemployed
  • Transportation
  • Legal Documentations
  • Finance
  • Rural developments
  • Motorizations, mobile and immobile Engine
  • Spare part dealers and all type of maintenances
  • GSM distribution and providers services, e.t.c

*Field of studies required
Computer Engineers, Demography, Computer Scientists, Banking and Finance, Public Administrations, International Relations, Business Administration, Mass Communication, Structural Engineering, Building Construction, Economics, English language, Project Development, Law, Accountancy, Information Technology, Sociology, Psychology, Statistics, Criminology, Health Education, Agricultural Science, Philosophy, Geology, Architecture, Carpentry and Woodwork, Mathematics, Etc.

Please Note: Applicant is informed that a fee of N1000 to cover registration, portal, screening and training is applicable.

Masters and PHD Grade level 10 - 14
HND / / BA etc Grade level 8 - 10
ND / NCE Grade level 5 - 7
SSCE / GCE/ Drivers Grade level 3 - 4

NOTE : The best selected candidates on each field would take a 2 weeks trainees trainer course in Italy, US and London.