Miller Center’s Global Social Benefit Institute (GSBI) Accelerator programme 2018 (funded)

Application Deadline: November 2nd 2018

Miller Center’s Global Social Benefit Institute (GSBI®) offers 6 months of highly customized mentorship and content with an opportunity to attend 10-days in-residence at Santa Clara University in August 2019.
For Miller Center’s 2019 GSBI programs, we are especially interested in organizations with an affinity for:

br /> ENERGY : organization is focused on ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for people living in poverty.
LAST-MILE DISTRIBUTION : organization builds distribution channels for a range of beneficial products and services to rural or urban populations.
BAY AREA -based IMPACT: organization’s impact is focused on beneficiaries within the San Francisco Bay Area.
WOMEN-LED : organization’s founding or executive team is woman-led.

If your business is operational, focused on serving people living below the poverty line, and you can commit 3-6 hours per week towards working with your mentor through program deliverables, we invite you to apply.
Whether you are seeking support for specific questions like:

  • How do I negotiate with potential funders?
  • I need to improve my operations – where do I begin and how do I measure progress?
  • How much funding should I be raising right now? Should it be debt, equity, or grants, and who do I talk to?

Social entrepreneurs selected into GSBI® Online or GSBI® Accelerator receive:

  • Two mentors to work with for the program duration
  • Program management from GSBI® staff with regular communications to keep you on-track and provide support as needed, along with useful sector resources
  • Content tailored to your business needs with templates, tools, and resources
  • A full scholarship for the program costs*

* GSBI® In-residence accelerator participants are expected to pay for round-trip airfare for the 10-day in-residence portion of the program in August at Santa Clara University.

Key Dates
● Nov 2, 2018 – Applications due ( )
● Feb 6, 2019 – GSBI In-residence Accelerator Kickoff and GSBI Online Accelerator
Kickoff (both online)
● July 2019 – GSBI Online Final Presentations (online)
● August 13 – 22, 2019 – In-residence Accelerator (at Santa Clara University)

For more Information: Visit Source

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