MasterCard Foundation Scholarship for African Students to study in France 2019/2020 ( Fully funded)

MasterCard Foundation Scholarship for  African Students to study in France 2019/2020  ( Fully funded)

The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Sciences Po aims to support
120 talented African students through their studies and to offer the next generation of leaders a world-class social science education, so they can go on to become changemakers in their home countries .

Over six years (2017 – 2022), the Scholars Program will fund:

  • 20 scholarships to complete the Sciences Po Bachelor of Arts programme , Africa specialisation
  • 40 scholarships to complete a Master’s programme at one of our seven graduate schools
  • 60 scholarships reserved for Mastercard Foundation Scholars studying at other partner universities and who would like to attend Sciences Po Summer School .

The Mastercard Foundation created this merit-based scholarship program to give the most talented African students the chance to benefit from a quality education and pursue their ambitions, whatever their background. The scholars are supported throughout their university education in the social sciences so they can go on to become changemakers in their home countries.

Finance your studies.

The program offers scholarships:
• to complete the Sciences Po Bachelor of Arts programme,Africa specialisation
• to complete a two-year Master’s programme at one of the seven graduate schools
• to attend Sciences Po Summer School.


  • The scholarships are awarded to students from sub-Saharan African countries with an outstanding academic record and strong leadership potential, but who face financial and other barriers to higher education.
  • The scholarships are awarded for a period of three years for the Bachelor’s degree, two years for the Master’s degree and one month for the Summer School. They cover the full cost of tuition fees at Sciences Po and living costs in France during the study period.

As well as funding their studies, Sciences Po will offer scholars a specific suite of resources to ensure they have appropriate academic support and to facilitate their transition from education to employment:

  • An orientation programme and individualised academic advising throughout their studies at Sciences Po
  • A mentor programme offered in collaboration with the Africa Division of Sciences Po Alumni
  • Career guidance and support: an online job platform dedicated to professional opportunities in Africa (internships and first jobs), access to our business incubator and the network of employers and alumni working in Africa, and specific career workshops.

The scholarships cover the full cost of tuition fees at Sciences Po and living costs in France during the study period.

Prepare to launch your career and train in entrepreneurship
Scholars participate in career workshops and training modules in entrepreneurship focused on the African market.

Return to Africa and contribute to the continent’s development
Undergraduate Scholars complete the civic internship and spend their third year studying in Africa. Graduate Scholars complete an internship related to African issues.

Join the network of Mastercard Foundation Scholars
Each year, five Scholars take part in a summit organised by the Mastercard Foundation where they get to meet their counterparts studying at other leading universities in North America, Europe and Africa, and debate the issues facing Africa today.

Succeed academically
In addition to funding, Scholars benefit from individual academic support throughout their studies.

2019-2020 Deadlines

Application deadlines for the Mastercard Foundation Scholarships are:
Bachelor: January 31, 2019
Master: January 15, 2019
Summer School: February 18, 2019.

Application Procedure:
Apply to the scholarship : To apply, go to, “Fees & Funding” then “Bursaries and Financial Aid” Contact:

For More Information: Visit Source

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