Call for Application : France Japan Embassy Animated Film Festival for Nigerian Animated Films 2018


Deadline : SEPTEMBER 15TH

In the frame of the “Fete du Cinema d’animation” (animated film festival) organised worldwide by the french association of animation industry, the Institut français du Nigeria and the Japanese embassy launches an open call of application to choose Nigerian animated film to be shown at the Abuja animated films festival 4th edition.This festival is the biggest animation festival in Nigeria.
By applying and if your are selected, you agree to send us free of charge a digital HD copy of the film to be screen in the frame of the festival.
For your Information, Abuja animated film festival is a great platform to showcase your film. For example, most of the films screened during the last edition will be screened in France in the frame of a Nollywood film festival in Bordeaux and one of them was bought by the Institut français Paris.