Are you a a current post-secondary student or recent graduate (not later than three years ago) and based in any country in Africa?

Are you passionate about the concept of liberty?

Would you love to join the largest network of young people in Africa and around the world advocating for a freer and better world?

If yes, then the ASFL Local Coordinator Program is for you!
The African Students For Liberty Local Coordinators Program is the premier program for actively advancing the ideas of free markets and individual liberty on college & campuses around Africa. The Local Coordinators are the face of liberty in their campuses, they are the muscle of the movement, empowering students in their areas to defend the ideas of liberty. This local program seeks to identify and develop strong student leaders to spread the ideas of individual liberty, self-reliance and economic freedom by starting new student groups, organizing events to promote these ideas, resourcing student groups and identifying and mentoring other vibrant students.

Young people are the leaders of tomorrow. Leadership requires proper preparation and experience. The Local Coordinator Program is designed to train an all round leader by imparting skills in areas such as public speaking, professionalism, advocacy, proposal and report writing, effective communication (both verbal and written), event organizing, talent identification and so much more absolutely FREE! The Program seeks to build the student movement for liberty in Africa by educating, developing and empowering the next generation of leaders of liberty.

After a successful application, you will go through few weeks of online training before you are confirmed as a Local Coordinator.

If you are a student in Africa, this is an amazing opportunity for you to join the network of young people whose efforts are constantly changing the world. These young individuals are dedicated to spreading the ideas of human dignity, individual and economic freedom, and the ability to pursue one’s happiness without coercion.

COPY CODE SNIPPET Some of our great events, thanks to our Local Coordinators:

In July 2014, African Students For Liberty (ASFL) hosted the first ever African Students For Liberty Conference at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and recorded 1,180
In 2015, ASFL also hosted Southern and Eastern Africa Regional Conferences in Malawi, and Kenya and had 1,276 Attendees at these conferences.
March to June 2017 ASFL Kenya hosted the Campus Caravan on issue based dialogue and youth ambassador program seeking to preach peace, issue based dialogue and tolerance towards the Kenyan general elections that reached out to 782 participants from seven counties in Kenya.
May 2017 – (Ongoing) ASFL has hosted the Great Lakes Inter University and Inter Country debates in Burundi, Rwanda and Congo reaching out to 1097 participants.
We seek to develop Africa by expanding the number of people who support the cause of liberty, developing more leaders to be effective advocates of liberty, and empowering them to act to bring about a freer future, a world with economic, social and intellectual freedom for all people. Cohort 1 of the Local Coordinator Training applications received over 400 applications from 31 countries! Join the cheetah generation of Africa today! Click here to apply.

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