Susdevi Makeup Test Frequently Asked Questions

Many thanks to the candidates who provided feedback via the Telegram channel.
We have selected and provided answers to the questions we found relevant.
If you were not able to join up, find the questions and answers below and a summary of what the makeup test is about at the end.

Question 1:I took my test in the early hours of April 1 but my results showed March 31 as the date.
What will happen to me in such scenario?
You are fine and have nothing to worry about. The disparity is as a result of the time difference between the location of the test server and Nigeria. Such cases have been noted.
Question 2:
For those that scored above 60 percent but below 80 percent in the previous tests; are they advised to take the makeup test?
If you scored below 80 percent in any section/trial (for those whose test was divided into two sections with 15 questions each) or trial (for those whose test was one section with 30 questions), you are advised to take the makeup test.
Question 3:
What if I take the makeup test and score below what I scored in the previous tests?
The test with the highest score will be recorded for you (in this case the previous test).
Question 4:
When will the makeup test commence?
There is no specific time as not everyone will write the test at once.
Use the first alphabet in your surname to check for the date that you are scheduled to take your makeup test at .
If your surname is a combination of two or more names (maybe separated by a hyphen), kindly use the name that usually appears before the others.
Question 5:
Please I took my test on 25th March by 4:15am I am confused if I was on the right date over there or should I take the makeup test again.
If you feel confused about the date of your previous test, the score obtained or if your test was even successful, kindly take the makeup test and endeavor to read instructions this time around. Taking the makeup test will not disqualify any candidate.
Question 6:
When I wrote my test, the result was not sent to me via email as was sent to others, is this supposed to be a problem?
Not at all. The email feature was turned off at a point due to abuse
Question 7:
May I know if the 80 percent mark for the previous tests is for each section or the average of both sections?
You can take the makeup test if you scored below 80 percent in any of the sections in the previous test (if your test was divided into two or more sections).
For example, if you scored 79 percent in Section A and 95 percent in Section B, you should take the makeup test.
For those whose initials tests were not divided into sections, you should take the makeup test if you scored below 80 percent in any of the trials.
Question 8:
April 21 falls on Easter Sunday and most cyber cafe will not be open for us to use their computers to take the makeup test. What can we do in this case?
Thanks for bringing this up. The schedule has been adjusted and April 21 is now free.
Question 9:
What if I scored a little above 80 percent but still want to take the makeup test in order to get the highest score, is that acceptable?
Yes it is completely fine. If you score lower in the makeup test, your score in the initial test will be retained for you.

Question 10:
What happens when the hints open up to a blank page?
This is not normal.
If you face such a situation, quickly report it and state the exact question that you were trying to answer at that time.
The problem should be fixed within a maximum of two hours so you can retake the test.
Question 11:
What if you are satisfied with your score in the previous test, should you still take the makeup test?
No you should not.
Question 12:
Can I take the makeup test even though I did not participate in Stage One?
This test is for those who applied during Stage One.
While it may not harm you if you take the makeup test, there is no assurance that you will be considered and invited for Stage Three (physical interview).
Question 13:
"first name" and "last name", which of these two is the surname?
We consider the last name as the surname (or family name). This should be the name that you share in common with other family members. For example, if you bear John Woods and your sister bears Hannah Woods, then we consider “Woods” to be your surname/last name/family name.
Question 14:
Can one use the same email address to take the makeup test?
Yes. You should definitely use the same email address.
Questions 15:
How about the interview, when will it commence?
The interviews will now hold in early May but must be concluded before May 15, 2019.
The makeup test has been designed to give candidates who took the initial test and those who missed it the opportunity to make amends.
Any candidate who wish to take it can do so, but it is not mandatory for those who; scored high enough, had no issues and followed the instructions strictly in the initial test.
The makeup test is meant to address the following issues, among others:
Non-adherence to instructions: for candidates who took the initial test but did not adhere strictly to instructions. E.g. taking it first on a wrong date and then repeating it on the right date, taking it more than the required number of trials, etc.
Performance: for candidates who took the initial test but scored below 80 percent in any of the sections (for those whose test was divided into two sections) or scored below 80 percent in any of the trials (for those whose test had 30 questions without sections).
Error in Name, email address and other information.
Missed the initial test completely
Experienced technical issues during the test.
If you still have questions or are in any sort of doubt about where you fall into, take the makeup test! You’ll get the chance to address other issues if you make it to the interview.

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