World Health Organisation ( WHO) Call for experts - MALARIA PROGRAMME 2019

World Health Organisation ( WHO) Call for experts - MALARIA PROGRAMME 2019

In 2018, the WHO Global Malaria Programme initiated an extensive review of WHO’s processes for developing and disseminating policy guidance on malaria.

Our overall objective is to deliver timely, high quality guidance to malaria-endemic countries through processes that are more transparent, consistent, efficient and predictable.

Following the recommendations of the review, the Global Malaria Programme will convene a single Guidelines Development Group (GDG) to ensure consistency in process and development of all malaria recommendations. Ad hoc Evidence Review Groups (ERGs) may be convened to support the GDG on specialized topics. These changes to the structure of Global Malaria Programme's advisory bodies have been designed to streamline and standardize our evidence review processes for malaria control and elimination.

The WHO Global Malaria Programme is currently issuing a “Call for experts” to serve as members of the newly formed GDG. This roster will also be used as the basis to convene future ERGs and technical consultations to provide advice to WHO. Applications from the following groups are welcome, noting that this is not an exhaustive list:

malaria experts in all technical areas;
national malaria control programme managers;
representatives of groups most affected by malaria, such as service users and representatives of disadvantaged groups;
experts in assessing evidence and developing guidelines informed by evidence; and
other technical experts including surveillance, health systems, health economics, equity, human rights and gender; community engagement; etc.
If you would like to add your name to this roster, please complete the following questionnaire.


This call for experts has no deadline, however, if you wish to be considered for the GDG, please be sure that your survey is fully submitted with the required attachments by 30 April 2019.

If you have questions, please write to

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