The Thomson Reuters Foundation is committed to fostering the highest standards of journalism worldwide. We believe accurate, impartial and independent journalism leads to better-informed societies.
It’s often the people behind the stories that hold the power to help change the world for the better.
We want to find 12 young Africans who are ready to become champions for global development issues as part of a unique, six-day, fully funded programme by the Gates foundation aimed at developing storytellers who can inspire change on a global platform. Know that person?
The course has been developed by communications and media experts at Thomson Reuters Foundation and will aim to enhance the profile of 12 African story-tellers. The training comprises communication techniques, public speaking and presentation skills, effective use of social media, handling the media, and more. Once the training is complete, participants will be paired with a mentor to help build on what they have learnt in training, offer advice on media related issues and work on individual areas of development. They will then be given the opportunity to share their stories in a global arena.
Generation Africa aims to help young Africans whose personal experiences have shaped their determination to help others facing challenges across the continent to tell their stories globally. If you have a remarkable story, we would love to help you share it.
This is the first of three annual cohorts. Applicants must be available to attend a six-day training programme in early May 2019.
If you think your story has the power to change lives, please share it with us via our application form.
1) You have a compelling personal story
2) Your story relates to one of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s areas of focus, such as health, development and poverty reduction
3) Your story illustrates a challenge faced by others living in Africa
4) Your English is fluent enough to benefit from a 6-day course in the English language
5) You are willing to have details of your personal story shared with the public.
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