Apply for Chatham House Common Future Conversation : Call for Representatives 2019

Chatham House, in partnership with the Robert Bosch Stiftung, is launching an online platform facilitating dialogue between young people in Africa and Europe.

 Designed and driven by them, the platform provides an opportunity to exchange ideas and influence international decision-making towards improving outcomes for citizens.
Debates and discourses in international affairs are not exclusively the purview of governments, international organizations, multinational companies, academics and mainstream media. Members of the public and civil society are increasingly influencing international relations and policy debates, as they interact with governments, international organizations, multinational companies, academics and mainstream media. Digital connectivity and social media platforms offer an opportunity to expand and enhance the exchange of information and ideas across borders and among people of diverse backgrounds and views.
Developed in partnership with Robert Bosch Stiftung, Common Futures Conversations brings together young people from 13 countries in Africa and Europe to:
  • Identify common concerns and hopes for international developments that affect their domestic contexts and futures.
  • Participate in informed exchanges and debates on the identified themes of common interest.
  • Engage with and seek to influence decision-makers across a range of sectors.
The 13 countries are:
  • Cote d’Ivoire
  • Ethiopia
  • Estonia
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Kenya
  • Mozambique
  • Nigeria
  • Norway
  • Romania
  • Tunisia
  • UK
  • Zambia

Become a Common Futures Representative

To help develop the Common Futures Conversations we are seeking 26 Representatives (two from each participating country).
As a Common Futures Representatives, you will need to:
  • research and build networks in your home country;
  • progress the design of the Common Futures Conversations online platform;
  • participate in two international workshops where you will discuss ideas and receive training in conducting fieldwork and building networks;
  • ensure the sustainability and growth of the project.
We are looking for leaders and influencers – be it in communities or work environments – who want to help shape international issues that affect the livelihoods and wellbeing of their fellow citizens.


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