Applications for Yunus&Youth Global Fellowship Program for Social Entrepreneurs 2019 are now open

Application Deadline: February 18th, 2019 11:59 EST

Applications for the Global Fellowship Program for Social Entrepreneurs 2019 are now open!
Yunus&Youth enable early-stage young social entrepreneurs to create stronger positive social impact, while also helping them to become financially sustainable by providing mentoring, business training and access to a global network. 
Yunus&Youth offers a 6-month Global Fellowship Program to help exceptional young people running businesses doing good. Y&Y Fellows are passionate young entrepreneurs running early-stage social businesses. They are visionaries, talented, eager, and proven drivers of change determined to fight major social issues.
By training talented young social business leaders and accelerating their enterprises with the right resources, we cultivate a highly capable and impactful next generation of social entrepreneurs wherever they are.
Individuals from any country can apply for the program. There are no restrictions on country of origin or country of operations.
The Y and Y Fellowship Program is composed of:
  • Mentoring Program that functions as a structured one-to- one relationship with an experienced business professional and involves transmission of knowledge, social capital and guidance enhancing the fellow’s professional growth.
  • Online design thinking workshops with an intercontinental team that helps entrepreneurs create a game changing vision.
  • Expert webinars focused on developing functional skills such as revenue model development, budget management, social media strategy, branding, impact measurement, strategic management, and team building, among others.
  • A support network that facilitates the connection to like-minded professionals worldwide.
You are eligible if:
  • You have started a social business and are relentlessly working on solving a social issue in your country;
  • You are under 30 years old;
  • You speak English;
  • You want to receive professional guidance to help your business grow and develop.

During the program you can expect to:
  • Be part of an individually tailored online mentoring program with an experienced mentor who will provide professional guidance;
  • Participate in expert webinars with our social business professionals;
  • Increase your global network by being part of a global class of exclusively selected young
  • social entrepreneurs;
  • Receive support on focus areas and see your business grow and be taken to the next level.
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