WikiIndaba Conference Scholarship for African Wikimedians 2019 (Funded to Abuja,Nigeria)

WikiIndaba Conference Scholarship  for African Wikimedians 2019 (Funded to Abuja,Nigeria)

WikiIndaba Conference is the regional conference for Africans both within and in the diaspora. The first edition was held in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2014 by

Wikimedia ZA, while the latest edition was held in Tunis, Tunisia in 2018 by
Wikimedia TN Usergroup . The 2019 edition of the conference will be hosted in
Abuja , FCT, Nigeria by the Wikimedia UG Nigeria .

Building capacity for African Wikimedians
Fostering growth of the coverage and involvement of Africa in Wikimedia projects
Connecting African Wikimedians both within the continent and in the diaspora.

City: Abuja , FCT
Date: 18, 19 and 20 January 2019
Venue: TBD

Scholarship application deadline
The deadline for scholarships for travel and accommodation is 2nd October 2018. Please note that no scholarship applications will be accepted or reviewed after this deadline.

Arrangement for travel and accommodation
The conference starts on Friday 18th of January and ends on Sunday the 20th of January 2019. The check in to the Conference hotel will start from Thursday 17th and the check out on Sunday 20th. Bookings at the Conference hotel will be made by the Wikimedia UG Nigeria LOC.
Once accepted, Wikimedia UG Nigeria LOC will send you all the necessary documents to apply for a visa if required.

Contents of application form
In this application form, you will be asked to fill in the following information:

  • Questions on conference program
  • Conference attendance information
  • Personal information
  • Accommodation information
  • Visa information
  • Passport and address information
  • Protection of privacy

Conference Program
‘These questions are for applicants to demonstrate meeting any or several criteria for scholarship and conference participation.’

Questions about Wikimedia and WikiIndaba
1. In your view, what possibilities does WikiIndaba have for the Wikimedia movement? *
2. Please name one or two skills, knowledge, tools, or resources, that you want to be able to bring back home (to your local organization/group/community).
3. Describe your work as a Wikimedian and/or as an advocate for open culture, free software movement.

4. What does your work focus on?
1. Content production
2. Participant recruitment/retention
3. Raising awareness
4. Governance
5. Or something else? What?

Questions about demonstrated success (Identify WikiIndaba leaders)
1. If you have faced challenges, what were they and how did you make progress? How long did it take? Did others give you support so that you could make progress or are you working alone?
2. Are you currently facing challenges? Please describe them.
3. What have you done that others can learn from, and are you willing to mentor someone?
4. Please indicate whether you are interested in leading or facilitating activities during the conference
1. Short presentation/Lighting talk
2. Training session/workshop session
3. Sharing projects as learning examples in small groups.
4. Other

Scholarship application
There is one type of scholarship, covering a total of 60 participants:

For More Information : Visit Source

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