The Joint Japan/ World Bank (JJ/WBGSP) Graduate Masters Scholarship 2019 Programme for Developing Countries ( Funded to Keio University)

Online Registration must be completed by October 24
The Graduate School of Business and Commerce of Keio University and the National Tax Agency have responded to this mission of the JJ/WBGSP by training five scholars each year in the area of tax policy and management. Keio University, a leading private university in Japan, established the program as one of the partnership programs of the Joint Japan /World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP).
Funded by the Government of Japan and administered by the World Bank, the JJ/WBGSP is a personnel training project which awards scholarships to help developing countries strengthen their human resources.
Participants are expected to return to their home countries to become leaders in improving taxation practices.

Scholarship Period
Two years (April 2019 to March 2021)

Scholarship Benefits
  • A Monthly stipend: JPY 152,000   *To cover all living expenses (accommodations, food, etc., including books).
  • Application Fee, Admission Fee, and Tuition
  • Economy-class air travel between your home country and Japan at the start of your study program at Keio and immediately following the end of the scholarship period. In addition to the two-way air travel, scholars will receive a USD500 travel allowance for each trip;
  • The JJ/WBGSP scholarship does NOT cover:
  • VISA application(s) costs
  • Expenses to bring and/or support a scholar’s family members;
  • Extra-curricular courses or training;
  • Language training not provided by the graduate program;
  • Additional travel during the course of the study program;
  • Expenses related to research, supplementary educational materials, field trips, participation in workshops/seminars, or internships; or
  • Educational equipment such as computers.

Application Criteria
  • Be a national of a Bank member country that is eligible to receive Bank financing and not be a national of any country that is not eligible to receive the Bank financing. For the list of eligible World Bank countries, see eligible country listPDF.
  • Not hold dual citizen of any developed country.
  • Be in good health with respect to the capacity to be a productive scholar for the duration of the Graduate Program, as certified by a medical doctor.
  • Hold a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent with superior academic achievement earned at least three (3) years  prior to the Scholarship Application Deadline.
  • Not received any scholarship funding to earn a Graduate degree or its equivalent from any sources funded by the government of Japan.
  • Be employed in a paid and full time position at the time of the Scholarship Application Deadline unless the applicant is from a country identified in the World Bank’s “Harmonized List of Fragile Situations”. 
  • Have, by  the time of  the Scholarship Application Deadline, at  least three(3)years of recent full time paid professional experience in the field of tax policy and administration at a public body after a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in the applicant’s home country or in another developing country; If the applicant is from a country identified in the World Bank’s “Harmonized List of Fragile Situations” at the time of the Scholarship Application Deadline, the recent professional experience does not have to be full time or paid.
  • Not be  an  Executive Director,  his / her alternate, staff of  the World  Bank Group(the  World Bank, International Development Association, International Finance Corporation, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, and International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes), or a close relative of the aforementioned by blood or adoption with the term “close relative” defined as: Mother, Father, Sister, Half-sister, Brother, Half-brother, Son, Daughter, Aunt, Uncle, Niece, or Nephew.
  • Accepted to the University unconditionally or conditionally only upon securing financing.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the English language at the level of a TOEFL score of 79 (iBT) or  better, or an IELTS score of 6.0 or better.
  • Meet any other criteria for admission established by Keio University.
  • Applicants must not be currently pursuing a Master’s or Ph.D. program in industrialized countries.
  • Applicants must not have had one or more years of training / studies and / or residency in an industrialized  country.
Application Procedure
Applications are accepted upon completion of Online Registration and Submission of Application Documents.
Online Registration must be completed by October 24, 2018.
Application documents must be submitted by mail and must reach the Keio University by October 31, 2018. We do not accept applications via fax or email.

Send the original copy of the application documents. Copies of the application will not be accepted.
Please make a copy of all the application documents for your records. The World Bank may ask you to submit the copy in the selection process by the World Bank.
Late applications and incomplete applications will not be accepted. Keio will not notify applicants of missing  documents.
Application documents may also be downloaded from the homepage of the Master’s Degree Program in Taxation Policy and  Management.
Applicants who have applied for a program offered by Keio and have passed the selection process by Keio will be asked to complete additional online application by the World Bank, which will make the final admission  decision.

Application documents must be submitted by mail and must reach the Keio University by October 31, 2018. We do not accept applications via fax or email.

For More Information : Visit Source