Helen Lansdowne Resor (HLR) Scholarship for female creative students ($USD 10,000 & internship at J. Walter Thompson Office) 2018

Application Deadline: May 14th, 2018.
The international Helen Lansdowne Resor (HLR) Scholarship supports and promotes
talented female creative advertising students from around the world in honor of the industry’s first female copywriter, Helen Lansdowne Resor. The program will run through 2020.
Dating back to the early 1900s, Helen was an industry pioneer, credited with sparking celebrity testimonial campaigns with her use of endorsements from socialites, European royalty, and actresses in her work for Pond’s Cold Cream. Helen Lansdowne Resor’s creative capacity helped to push the barriers and shatter traditional formulas of advertising.
Helen was a working mother and ardent feminist who championed the advancement of women’s rights both inside and outside of the agency. During her tenure, J. Walter Thompson was known as the “Women’s Agency,” where bright young talented females were given opportunities that had been traditionally offered exclusively to men.
Each year, the HLR Scholarship seeks to award five female creative students scholarships up to $10,000. In addition, each recipient will receive a paid summer internship at a J. Walter Thompson office in her respective region, an offer of a J. Walter Thompson mentor and “first look” placement consideration upon graduation.

Be a registered student at an undergraduate, graduate, and/or portfolio school with at least 12 months of school left as of May 14, 2018
Show creative talent and potential in a course of study like Art Direction, Copywriting, Design, Experiential Design, Sculpture, Film, etc. Basically, if you think it applies to you, it probably does
Maintain satisfactory academic and creative progress as determined by your school

Your shot to steer the future of advertising. Here’s what you’ll get if you win:
A scholarship up to $10,000 to put towards your education
An internship at a JWT office
One-on-one mentorship
First-look placement at JWT after graduation.

Application Procedure:
Click here to complete the application.
You’ll have to submit your application form, a personal statement, a letter of recommendation and 3–5 creative samples by May 14, 2018.

For More Information : Visit Source

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