Bestselling Author of On Becoming, Award winning Multi-media Personality (Radio,TV and Youtube) and Host, Toke Makinwa is giving out 3 million Naira to four (4) people.
She wrote;
“It is my own little way of saying thank you, it is also a call to action to get our minds thinking right.
#Imusthavemyown because life can happen at anytime and I have seen things change overnight, from losing my parents at the age of 8 to going thru the most heartbreaking divorce at 30! I keep thinking what if? What if I didn’t have a job, a dream, purpose…etc.
We all must be prepared. It breaks my heart to see people on social media daily in need and I can’t reach everyone. I feel a of people feel stuck and in order to become some more, we must empower our minds. It’s not about the money, it’s about impacting lives and this year we will start with business ideas, next it’ll be education. I truly want those who genuinely need the money to win the grant so do a one min video with your ideas and make it creative. Have fun with it as it’s going to be a fun process so get your videos up and tag @onbecomingbytokemakinwa, the best videos will be uploaded there and we can can all choose together who makes it to the next round.
To whom much is given, much more is expected. Here is a full break down for participants:
1. You are to upload a one minute video sharing with us what winning the grant will do for your business, if you can film what you do it’ll increase your chances of being shortlisted to the next round (creativity is what we are looking for and effective time management too) it’s important in any business so the class starts now
2. Upload your video on Instagram using the hashtags #OnBecomingEmpowered #Imusthavemyown and tag @onbecomingbytokemakinwa. We will repost the most engaging videos and be in touch with the people who are selected.
3. A pitch will be required of you, you will pitch your ideas/business plan to a panel ( members of the panel will be revealed soon) and if you go thru successfully, you will be invited to an empowering brunch where you get to learn from those who were once where you are now. (I’m looking forward to learning too).
This competition is open to everyone, we want it to be free and fair hence the video upload and pitch idea, I really want those who truly need the money to win the grant and this will hopefully be the first of many to come
if we can only just pay it forward a little maybe, just maybe we can build for ourselves a little heaven here on earth. I wish you all the best, remember if you’ve started your business and you feel the money will help you grow pls apply, if you haven’t started don’t be intimidated pls apply and if all you have is a dream, pls apply too.
It’s not about the money, everyone is a work in progress and the devil tries to manipulate our minds for if he can destroy the mind, he has won. We need to Empower our minds, feed it positively, leave our comfort zones and start today. I can’t reach everyone but God put it in my heart to do this and I’m hoping lives are inspired and truly blessed as we begin.
Follow @onbecomingbytokemakinwa to watch the videos. The #OnBecomingEmpowered project starts now cos #Imusthavemyown.