EVENT: Annual Essay Competition
DATE: Tuesday April 11, to Monday August 7, 2017
TOPIC: Stemming the surge of security challenges in Nigeria: Need for collective effort
PARTICIPANTS: Undergraduates in Nigerian Universities & Polytechnics
REQUIREMENTS: i Reference letter from the Registrar of their institution ii Photocopy of Admission letter to their current institution iii One recent passport sized photograph iv Current mobile telephone number and e-mail address
ENTRIES: Please send a spiral-bound copy of entry with the above requirements to: “The Registrar, CIPM, CIPM House, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos” Or E-copy to: essaycompetition@cipmnigeria.org; Cc: charitynwaigbo@cipmnigeria.org
GUIDELINES: Paper Size= A4; Font Type= Times New Roman; Font Size= 12; Spacing= Double-line spacing; Length of Essay= 10pages (3000 words). In-text and citation of sources must be made, also references (works cited) must appear at the end of the essay and Plagiarism in all forms is prohibited and will attract outright disqualification of indicted entries.
REFERENCE: See Pg 19, Tuesday Guardian April 11, 2017 and the Institute's social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for Media Advert
For further enquiries, please call
Charity Nwaigbo on 08097727641 or send an email to charitynwaigbo@cipmnigeria.org